The Cantor Chronicles

Final Cantor Chronicles Entry

Posted on June 9, 2024

by Congregant Liz Gellis It has been a pleasure to speak monthly to Cantor Marci about her rabbinic studies and observe how she navigated her path to becoming the JCV Rabbi. Cantor Marci will receive her s’micha (ordination) on June 22 via Zoom. The word s’micha derives from a Hebrew root that means “to rely on,” in the sense […]

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Why do we have a sermon in our service? What is its origin?

Posted on May 1, 2024

Preaching in the synagogue dates to after the fall of Jerusalem in the 6th century BCE. The Israelites were exiled to Babylonia after the destruction of the first Temple and the synagogue came into being. Originally, it is believed that the synagogue was an assembly of believing exiled Israelites and it is presumed that the sermon began to be molded.

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April 9 Message by Congregant Liz Gellis

Posted on April 9, 2024

What do you imagine that rabbinic students learn during their instruction? I asked Cantor Marci that question for this edition of the Cantor Chronicles. Since my last entry, the cantor has had classes about modern Israel (always relevant), Purim (of course), kashrut (because kosher laws are significant everywhere in the Torah), angels in the Torah […]

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March 5th Message by Congregant Liz Gellis

Posted on March 5, 2024

As Cantor Marci begins the second half of her rabbinic program, she is working on bringing our membership closer together. One of her focuses is to grow the JCV volunteer opportunities. She has worked with dedicated members of the Caring Committee to expand our outreach to members who need support. It is a core value […]

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January 2024 Message from the Cantor Herself

Posted on January 26, 2024

Dear JCV Congregants, I thought it would be helpful to share what I’ve been experiencing during the first four months of study as I work toward ordination through the Jewish Spiritual Leaders Institute (JSLI). As their website states, it is a “robust community” that has ordained over 200 rabbis and cantors. The curriculum is comprehensive. […]

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New Ideas, Skills, and Opportunities

Posted on November 22, 2023

by Congregant Liz Gellis How many of us have embarked on studying for a second career…packed with new ideas, deepening knowledge of familiar subjects, and working full time? It’s wonderful to see JCV and board members support Cantor Marci on the road to rabbinic ordination. I asked the Cantor to share some of what she has […]

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What is a Rabbi, continued…

Posted on October 27, 2023

by Congregant Liz Gellis I pose again the question from last month. What do you need/want from your rabbi? It is an open-ended question. There are no right or wrong answers but there can be 300+ different answers from our members. Your perspective depends on your Jewish background (Reform, Conservative, etc.); if you are a Jew […]

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What is a Rabbi?

Posted on September 26, 2023

“The traditional rabbinate harks back to ancient practice, but is an evolving institution.”(
The JCV and Cantor Marci have together begun their own evolution.

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The Journey Begins

Posted on August 25, 2023

Cantor Marci begins her rabbinic studies the Wednesday after Labor Day. She is enrolled in the online one-year program at the Jewish Spiritual Leaders’ Institute (JSLI) with her ordination to take place in June 2024.

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