
The JCV Endowment Fund was established to raise and invest funds to support the synagogue’s immediate and long-term goals. This support is achieved by using the interest income that is generated from the principal investment. The professionally-managed funds are overseen by an independent Board of Trustees. Its primary function is to invest contributions for long-term growth. However, it also accepts and invests contributions for the short term, which can be earmarked for specific projects.

A tremendous transfer of wealth from one generation to the next is occurring now in the United States. At the same time, the role of religion and religious institutions in daily life is also changing. More and more, synagogues are coming to rely on investment income and other revenue streams to maintain their financial security. Cash donations will be invested to ensure that the JCV continues to flourish in the future. A legacy gift does not need to impact your current finances. This type of gift can be funded by listing the JCV Endowment Fund as a beneficiary in your will. Another way is to list the JCV as a beneficiary in your retirement plan, insurance policy, or other estate holding.

By making a decision to include the JCV Endowment Fund in your yearly contributions or estate planning, you are helping to secure a place for Jewish life to continue for generations to come.

For more information, contact Linda Cook at Endowment@thejcv.org.

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