Crafty Mavens love to be creative or just sit around talking about knitting, sewing, or quilting. They meet on the second and fourth Monday of every month and welcome anyone interested in any needle arts.
Crafty Mavens are always busy! For the JCV, they made an Ark cover, curtains, piano and organ covers, and Kippot. For the greater community, they provided countless quilts for hospice and Head Start, in addition to providing 100 knitted caps for newborn infants. The Crafty Mavens also spearheaded a drive to help the women of Tzfat (Safed), Israel, develop sewing skills by sending much-needed supplies to the women and quilts to the IDF.
“Show and Kvell” is an important and frequent part of our meetings. New members who share an interest in creative crafting are always welcome. For more information, contact