Summary of Second Strategic Planning Retreat

On March 18, based upon our examination of the current state of our congregation and the broader community, we first discussed:

  • What size membership is desirable for the JCV? Current level vs. increased growth?
  • What membership demographic should the JCV be appealing to over the next five years?
  • What kinds of changes would be needed to attract these individuals?

Results indicated a consensus that the JCV should pursue managed growth*, with an emphasis on pre-retirement and new retiree age groups.

Members of the Planning Team then considered the JCV’s vision and mission, results of the contextual scan analysis, and the discussion about growth stance and target audience to answer the question: What are the three most important goals that the JCV should address over the next five years?

The resulting goals were:

Goal #1:
To create a high-performing leadership with knowledgeable staff, board members, and volunteers; increase the capacity of volunteer and staff leadership and their use of practices that promote inclusion and inquiry; create an enlightened leadership that includes professional and volunteer staff.

Goal #2:
Grow the size and engagement of the JCV membership.

Goal #3:
Enhance the financial viability and acumen of the JCV.

For each of these goals, we separated into groups to discuss the issues each goal presents. Our next step will be to develop an Action Plan identifying the most effective strategies to accomplish these goals.

* Managed growth is a strategy that limits development to areas that are already developed, or to areas close to already-developed areas.

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