In the fall of 2022, a strategic planning process was initiated to better position the JCV to meet the future needs of our congregants. The first phase of this process was to create mission, vision, and value statements. This was completed in the spring of 2023. The next stage of this process is to develop a five-year strategic plan and create action plans for the top three priorities identified by our leadership team through a process of information gathering and examination of our current operating procedures.
For this stage of the process, we are fortunate that the JCV received a Gulf Coast Community Foundation grant through their Invest in Incredible program to help enable us to hire a professional consultant, Whitney Crettol, to lead us through this process. Whitney is one of 13 consultants affiliated with the Gulf Coast Community Foundation and her background and recent consulting projects were an excellent match for our needs. The outcome of this grant combined with a generous donation from a member of the JCV will enable the JCV to define and ensure sustainable and sound operations as we move forward.
The Strategic Planning Committee recently completed two surveys gathering data and information about the JCV, its members, its resources, and details about our community.
COMPLETED CONGREGANT SURVEY – We completed a survey of our congregants with a 46% response rate. A “good” survey response rate is 5-30%, so we feel confident we have sound information to assist in moving forward with our planning.
COMPLETED LEADERSHIP SURVEY – We also conducted a separate survey of JCV leadership, which examined the workings of the JCV. This survey examined our operations and ability to communicate, whether we engaged in reflective and accountable leadership, and explored our capability to ensure sustainable and sound operations. The response rate for this survey was 81%.
WORK HAPPENING NOW – We currently are gathering information on the JCV as an organization (e.g., organizational charts, job descriptions); determining future needs of our building and grounds; and developing a fact book that will include detailed information about the JCV population and pertinent information from the Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee Community Study.
PRIORITY SETTING – FIVE-YEAR PLAN – From this data, priorities for the next five years will be identified. The top three priorities will then be the focus of small planning groups of congregants who will develop action plans. These action plans will include: