The Original Jewish Food Festival - February 16

Welcome to the Jewish Congregation of Venice

Your Home for Jewish Life in Southwest Florida

The Jewish Congregation of Venice provides a social, spiritual, cultural, and religious place for Jews and interfaith families. As a congregation, we value the contribution and participation of each individual member. We offer leadership, friendship, and education. However you seek your connection to Jewish life, we hope you will learn from us, as we learn from you.

Join the JCV and become part of an enthusiastic and caring group of people.

Donations to the JCV allow the congregation to thrive, and meet financial obligations.

Connect with others with a donation to express get-well wishes, offer condolences, celebrate simchas, or extend congratulations.

Schedule of Services

You can also join us via Zoom for all services.


Evening Services at 7:30pm

Coming Up

New to the Area?

You are invited! Whether you seek community, spirituality, friendship, knowledge, or Jewish culture, the Jewish Congregation of Venice is a place that many call their “home away from home.”

Come Visit the JCV

The JCV is located within the quiet community of Venice, Florida, in South Sarasota County, on the Gulf Coast of Florida. We are located on North Auburn Road between Edmondson Road and East Venice Avenue.

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